How to store Caviar

How to Store Caviar After Opening:

After you have opened the can of caviar, it is very important to maintain its freshness. After the opening of caviar if there is any left-over, store in an airtight container. Make sure that the caviar is sealed tightly so as to avoid exposure of air, which could result in decay. Put the container in the back of your refrigerator, which is where it’s coldest and consume within a few days for optimal flavor.

How to Store Caviar at Home:

Home storage of caviar requires a constant cold state. In your refrigerator, keep the temperature between 28°F to 32o F (-2 °C to oz C). This makes it possible to keep the caviar without freezing. Secondly, the container with caviar should always be properly sealed so that no odors can penetrate and spoil its taste.

How to Store Different Caviar Types:

Black Caviar: The general storage rules for black caviar, considered to be one of the most popular types should also be followed. Proper storage preserves its subtle taste and soft consistency.

Salmon Caviar:

Salmon caviar is usually more perishable. Keep it in the same way as black caviar and eat faster before freshness disappears.

Fruit Caviar:

The other product that should be refrigerated is the fruit caviar, which is mostly used as a garnish. Nevertheless, it might have a shorter shelf life as it is perishable and should be used right away.

Cowboy Caviar:

The beans, corn and other ingredients to make cowboy caviar should be stored in an airtight container within the refrigerator. It can be kept for a couple of days and still tastes great.

Vanilla Caviar:

Vanilla caviar (vanilla seeds) ought to be stored in an airtight container, kept cool and out of the sight. Keep it away from direct sunlight and intense heat.

How to store Caviar
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